Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan has reportedly bought a plot in Ayodhya, the city where the Ram Temple is being constructed, for Rs 14.5 crore. The actor plans to build a 10,000 square feet home in The Sarayu, a 7-star mixed-use enclave by the Sarayu River, developed by Mumbai-based developer The House of Abhinandan Lodha (HoABL). The plot is located 15 minutes away from the Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Temple & 30 mins from Maharishi Valmiki International Airport, where the Pran Pratishtha or consecration ceremony of the Ram Lalla idol will take place on January 22, 2024.
Amitabh Bachchan said he looks forward to building his home in the “global spiritual capital” of Ayodhya, where tradition and modernity co-exist. He said the city has forged an emotional connection that transcends geographical boundaries with him. He also said that this is the start of a heartfelt journey into the soul of Ayodhya.
Amitabh Bachchan and several other celebrities from the entertainment, sports, politics and business spheres have been invited to attend the consecration ceremony. PM Modi had appealed to the country’s people to celebrate Diwali in their houses on January 22, when the Ram Temple would be consecrated.
The plot purchase by Amitabh Bachchan has also sparked a surge in land prices in Ayodhya, which have increased by four to 10 times in the past few years. The city’s master plan envisages several future projects and changes in planning norms to attract more investment and development. However, there are also some restrictions and challenges due to the religious significance and sensitivity of the temple town.