Architect of Ram Mandir:In January, India is gearing up for the Pranpratistha of Shree Ramji in Uttar Pradesh’s Ayodhya. On January 22, Ram Lalla’s idol’s ‘Pran-Pratishtha’ (consecration ceremony) will take place at the temple, which a team has designed under renowned architect Chandrakant Sompura.
Ram Mandir Inauguration
The temple of Ramlala in Ayodhya is almost completely ready and will open for the common people soon.
The grand Ram temple will be consecrated in Ayodhya on January 22, after which it will be opened to everyone.
Pictures of the grand Ram temple have also surfaced; the temple looks marvellous and legendary.
Seeing the temple’s grandeur, a question arises in everyone’s mind about who designed it.
The designer of Ram Mandir is Chandrakant Sompura, whose 15 generations have been designing temples.
Architect of Ram mandir : Chandrakant Sompura?
The chief architect responsible for designing the temple was Chandrakant Sompura, who received assistance from his sons Nikhil and Ashish, both architects. In 2020, the Sompuras created a new design for the temple, which included some modifications to the original plan. Their design was based on the principles outlined in the Hindu texts, the Vastu shastra and the Shilpa shastras.
The Sompura family has till now designed many temples in the country. The Somnath Temple and Birla Temple of Gujarat are also included.
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- Sculptor of Ram lalla’s Murti – Arun Yogiraj (with Images).